Sunday 21 February 2016

In the beginning

Hello World

I’ve returned to the hobby of miniature painting after more than 10 years and boy have things changed!

I was initially lured back by some mini gaming action but I've found I'm more eager to paint my minis rather than play games with them. This is mostly due to the fact that there are some amazing painters out there pulling off some astounding paint jobs. They truly are works of art and they provide inspiration to become a better painter. Youtube has also been a game changer, I don't know if I would have ever invested in DVDs, but streaming painting guides is awesome, heck I've even started supporting Painting Buddah via Patreon.

The purpose of this blog is simple - document my efforts to improve in this craft. I've painted a few things so far and entered one competition, the feedback from that has led me to further reading and research. So far with that research I've realised there is a tonne of information out there that covers everything and anything, it can be practical, theoretical, simple, complex and confusing. Overall it's helpful, but it's hard to not get swamped by it all.

So what now? Well I've had a brainwave, I'll filter out the noise, I'll pick a theory or something practical and challenge myself to apply it. After doing this hopefully I will understand and learn the theory more deeply. If I stray from this objective or lose my blogging mojo completely then so be it.

Massive disclaimer: Everything I write on here are my experiences and opinions. If I do happen to provide any advice then please take it with a massive grain of salt.

TLDR: This is just my opinion, do whatever the **** you wanna do!

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